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The Witcher and my Illusion of Choice:


So I do this thing where I impulsively make video game spending decisions when there is a sale, and I was able to snatch Wild Hunt a couple of months ago for like $30. I really like The Witcher the show (sorry not sorry), so I was excited to play the game for it. Right now I'm in Velen working on the Bloody Baron quest, and I'm struggling with the free-roam. This is an extremely personal thing, and not a dig at the game, but I get overwhelmed really easily with free world stuff. It's mainly because I have this primal need to explore absolutely everything.

One thing that is really good about it is that I love Jaskier (Dandelion) so much that I will play through the whole game JUST to see him in the Blood and Wine expansion. I know he shows up in Novigrad, but I would do anything for that man.


You might be thinking: Maddie, this has nothing to do with your illusion of choice, what are you going on about? WELL… I’ve recently been struggling in the choice department. I don’t know whether to remain friends with people, what I want to study in college, what I want to pursue in life. I feel exactly like I do when I play the Witcher. I feel like I have the whole world in front of me and I want to complete everything it has to offer, but something keeps holding me back. I can’t make a decision on what to start with, which leads to… this.

Sitting in my room playing games… that pose the same problems that I’m having in my personal life. My therapist says I’m going through an “identity crisis” (I am), but I don’t know how to solve it. She says I can choose who I want to be, but I feel like I can’t. I feel like I’m in Velen trying to choose which direction to go. I have some questlines: become a lawyer, win an Oscar, go to a different country. Other than that, I’m completely lost. How do I complete those quests? Are those quests the right ones that I should be choosing, or should I look for better ones?


Makes me wonder if Geralt ever had this problem, or if he always knew who he was. Hopefully I can figure out the quests I should complete in this open world, or I am completely and utterly screwed.